Don't Trust Mechanical Translations

I recently had occasion to translate Edward I Longshanks's tombstone inscription. The original reads,

Edwardus Primus Scotorum Malleus hic est, 1308. Pactum Serva

Google Translate came up with,

Edward the First Wishbone This is 1308. With Eyelids

Erm, not quite.

Google did correctly identify the original as Latin. It did not indicate whether it was classical Latin (Caesar, Ovid, etc....) or medieval Latin. There is a considerable difference in both vocabulary and sentence structure, so that could be important.

My own translation, remembering schoolboy Latin of half a century ago, and bits and snippets of history, is

Edward the First, Hammer of the Scots, lies here. 1308 [AD].

I'm not sure how to translate the last two words. Something about honoring treaties, possibly a bit of snark about the Scots not honoring the treaties Edward imposed on them.

